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Our people: Evelyn Walsh

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Employee experience

“I think what really sets us apart is that we have so many people who genuinely care about maintaining this connection with one another—it’s something everyone values.”

Evelyn Walsh is an Employee Experience Manager working based in Learnosity’s Dublin office. Here, she reflects on her work spreading the roots of company culture from the physical office into its modern virtual equivalent.

What do you do at Learnosity?

I work as an Employee Experience Manager, based in Learnosity’s Dublin office.

How did you get into that area?

I’ve spent years working in various industries, including animation, non-profit, golf (yes, really!), and technology. Despite the diversity of these industries and roles, one consistent thread has been my involvement in shaping and promoting company culture. This focus on culture and engagement has been particularly pronounced in my roles in the tech sector and I suppose that’s where I’ve found my niche.

I originally took a part-time officer manager role here to give myself the flexibility to care for my (at the time) one-year-old son. Office management was something a bit different for me and I learned a lot during the first year, but when the pandemic struck the responsibilities and focus of my position underwent significant changes. However, where it has ultimately led is a perfect amalgamation of everything I love about this field of work.

What would you say has been your biggest challenge at Learnosity to date?

Navigating the shift to hybrid/remote working was a big challenge—especially considering how office-centric our company culture had been. Learnosity also acquired a company during this time, so there were a lot of changes in quick succession. However, we have an amazing Business Operations team (which includes Employee Experience) who are deeply passionate about maintaining our company culture. We tackled these hurdles head-on, implementing new processes, systems, and initiatives to ease the transition. It was a demanding period but we put in a lot of effort to adapt and make it work.

What work project are you most proud of and why?

To follow on from the answer above, one of the primary focuses for my team was to uphold our company culture in a more exclusively virtual setting. It’s easy to feel disconnected and isolated when you don’t see your colleagues every day, but we know that what sets our company apart is the people, so it was extremely important for us to find ways to maintain that sense of connection and camaraderie. To address this, we created our social and cultural hub, “Cosmosity”, and launched a calendar of virtual events and initiatives aimed at fostering interaction, well-being, and a sense of connection among our teams. 

It's easy to feel disconnected and isolated when you don't see your colleagues every day, but we know that what sets our company apart is the people. Share on X

It’s an ever-evolving area and we’re always finding ways to adapt and improve, but I think a testament to our success is that if you read through this series of profile interviews, the most common answer to the question “What makes working at Learnosity different?” is “the people”.

In your opinion, what makes working at Learnosity different?

The people! 😄

But I’m going to go one step further here and say that I think what really sets us apart is that we have so many people who genuinely care about maintaining this connection with one another. It’s not just the responsibility of a select few—it’s something everyone values. Building a great company culture doesn’t happen by accident, especially in a virtual setup—it takes effort. What’s truly inspiring here is how proactive everyone is in addressing issues and working together to find solutions. We’re all about protecting and preserving the great relationships we have with our colleagues and this mindset stems from some of our core values as a company, like “Success is better shared” and “Do the right thing.”

Building a great company culture doesn't happen by accident, especially in a virtual setup—it takes effort. Share on X

What do you do to relax in your spare time?

I do like to treat myself (ideally with a nice white wine!) but most of the time I try to keep my sweet tooth in check with healthier options. During lockdown one of the things I missed most were my favourite vegan confections from the local coffee shops so I had no option but to try making them myself…which were surprisingly easy to recreate, thankfully. Now it’s one of the things I enjoy doing most in my spare time. My repertoire has also expanded to making my own range of nut butters, which the whole family loves. 

Aside from that I love getting out and exploring the city and surroundings with my young son—it’s so nice to see things I thought I was bored of through his eyes. He makes everything fresh and fun again!

Evelyn Walsh, Learnosity
Hanging out with my little best friend!
Here’s some I made earlier—a small selection of homemade treats.

Micheál Heffernan

Senior Editor

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