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Math AI

Simplify multi-step math

Improve focus with frictionless, AI-powered math.

Written math recognition

Multimodal math input

Math AI uses image recognition to accurately read multimodal math responses—whether scanned, handwritten and photographed from paper, or inputted via tablet—making it easier to ingest even high volumes of complex math content.

Simplified multi-step math

Scan, submit, score

Give learners a more flexible way of working through multi-step math. Math AI lets learners scan responses in one go, then port their work to a desktop interface to edit, submit, and autoscore and correct each step.

AI-generated hints & worked solutions

Faster creation, richer context

With Math AI, content creators can begin a question and let AI complete it by using the stem to generate complex worked solutions and scoring rules, which it then uses to further generate static or contextual hints and feedback for learners.

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A guide to AI and assessment

Get expert insights on AI and its era-defining impact on assessment, revealing where things are now—and what comes next.

Get a bird's-AI view

Learn more from the experts behind our AI-enriched assessment solutions.

Make math input quicker and easier