Hearing about the Common Core Item Types but not sure what they are all about? We’ve put together your guide to understanding where the Common Core has come from, why it’s so important, and the Item Types you can expect to see used in it.
In 2009, US governors and state commissioners of education launched the Common Core State Standards. The initiative was developed to inform, in detail, what students from kindergarten to 12th grade should know at end of each of their K-12 years.
By having these same standards, students are said to be on the same track to obtain a good level of education, regardless of whether they change schools or move to a different state within their K-12 years. The standards aim to bring learners to a level of knowledge and understanding that is said to bring success in college and the workplace.
Since their introduction in 2009, the Common Core State Standards have increased the demand and popularity of technology-enhanced item types (also known as TEIs). Technology-enhanced items are questions used in educational assessment which go beyond the typical MCQ/selected response question format. They are said to significantly increase student engagement and motivation levels through their interactive nature.
The Common Core State Standards Initiative assessments are created by two consortia in the United States. The assessment consortia Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) aim to establish comprehensive, advanced computer-based assessment systems that align with the Common Core State Standards.
Since the introduction of the Common Core State Standards, there have been major changes in the testing and assessment space. Today’s educational publishers and testing companies can incorporate Common Core-aligned assessments quickly and easily into their own digital products by utilizing assessment software that has been built keeping the Common Core in mind.
Want to know what to expect from the Common Core? Here are just some of the question types that have been designed to meet the CCSS requirements.
Interested in playing with more question types used in the Common Core? Check out the full range of question types here.