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Mastery Item Bank

Instructure is the provider of the Mastery Item Bank™, a formative assessment item bank that includes over 98,000 expert-designed, standards-based items that measure students’ understanding and provide actionable feedback to educators. Mastery helps educators identify learning strengths and deficits and make critical instructional decisions that improve student learning.

Quick Facts

98,000+ items 
Rigorous items in math, ELA, science, and social studies. Mastery supports a range of item types, including technology enhanced items, to assess standards appropriately and reflect the intent of more rigorous standards. Mastery includes a robust collection of Spanish-translated items to support English learners.

Standards alignment
The most precise learning standards alignment for all 50 states and D.C. 

Unrivaled flexibility
Educators can easily modify items to suit their classroom needs.

Rich learning metadata
Items and passages are identified with extensive metadata, including Webb's Depth of Knowledge and Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, allowing educators to filter and search for the specific content they need.

Pre-built assessments 
Ready-to-use assessments that reflect the new ways students are learning science, as well as pre-defined assessments in math and ELA that support effective teaching and learning.

Live preview
Preview a selection of Mastery items developed by Instructure.

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